Friday, December 7, 2012

Trying Our Luck on Facebook

As some of you are well aware, we are not on Facebook (I know how shocking there are still people out there that don't have FB accounts).  Mom is on FB however, and has posted Ethan's information in an attempt to win a specialized bed for him.  The winner will be chosen by the highest number of votes (kind of like a popularity contest)...none the less, we are currently in 3rd place with 832 votes.  You can vote daily and there are only 28 days left to vote.  We are thrilled with the response mom has gotten thus far and I thought I would try to help things out by posting the link here. 

If you haven't already done so, and are willing to participate (I understand first you have to like the company and then you get the option of voting - but think that is just the first time...after that you can just vote daily) please drop in to vote for Ethan.  You may notice there are two Ethan's vying for a bed...ours has the following picture of Ethan attached. 

He has pretty much outgrown his crib (and the hospital ones as was pointed out several times during his brief stay) and this would be a great option for him at home.


  1. I voted right up to the last day and was sad to see that Ethan didn't win. Hopefully there will be another chance! Your boy deserves it so much!

  2. Thank you so much for your votes! It means the world to us that people cared to take the time to vote for him. :)
