To a private room that looks like this:
I'm not sure you can tell, but the room is quite large now. That monitor by his bed has many uses. It is a TV, has the Internet, a phone, plays the radio, has basic games, allows doctors to call up patient information and controls the lights in the room. The bathroom is large and accessible which is really neat.
They think Ethan is experiencing a continuation of the Bocavirus. It seems to be common for medically fragile children who catch Bocavirus to go from really poor health, to seeming better, to mild regression in health. Currently, he is just receiving IV fluids but that will be reassessed later today when they might try him with pedialyte before gradually progressing to his usual feeds.
WOW!!! The new rooms sound nice! I totally forgot you guys would be moving today. :( Hope the pedialyte works out and he's back to usual feeds soon!