The snow on the car was so high that it was about 1 foot above the kitchen window. My neighbours thought it was a pretty neat sight to see. Thankfully, my neighbour and his son came by to help dig me free. They did a GREAT job! And spared me an even sorer back than I already have from the shovelling I did on Monday afternoon. I banked the car in the driveway and needed help getting it off the mound of snow I'd stopped on. Of course all this snow meant I wasn't able to get to the hospital to see Ethan or Clayton. Thankfully the road crews of London and surrounding municipalities pulled through to clear the roads sufficiently for Lorelei and I to visit the boys. Were just not sure how long we can stay since more snow squalls are on the way... This is what greeted us for the first couple hours of our visit.
When he finally woke up I got this...
My little cutie is doing better, they dropped his oxygen again.
He's been staying at 0.5 litres and holding decent statistics during waking periods. He was dipping lower while sleeping, which is quite common. :)
Daddy living on coffee and hospital cafeteria least until I dropped by today with real food for him.
Lorelei was glad to head to Tim's too because she got to enjoy a donut. Of course she wanted the messiest one and had to wash up after. Here she's posing in the bathroom door.
:( That must've been so hard not being able to visit. Boo for all the snow! Good to hear he's doing better.