Saturday, October 8, 2011



"I threw up!"

"Hang on, I'm coming."  Certainly not the 5 AM wake up call I like to get.  Okay, so come to think of it any 5 AM wake up call falls into that category, but not what I wanted to deal with so early in the morning. 

I guess I should rewind a bit.  Lorelei has had a fever since Thursday evening.  She vomited on Friday (my call at work was: "Call my mommy and tell her I just threw up and feel better now." - it didn't last long because her Tylenol wore off), and despite lots of Tylenol and Advil she kept getting fevers up to just over 40 degrees.  So off to the doctor today, she has a throat infection and an eye infection.  More antibiotics.  The doctor figures she'll be over the worst of it by the time we pick up Ethan on Monday morning.

He is doing better I've been told but has been sick each morning after his first feed.

Hopefully both kids are better soon!

1 comment:

  1. Oh yuck!! :( I hope Ethan doesn't get it (or any of you!). You're right. There's just nothing at 5am that I want to hear other than the sound of my pillow. ;)
