Friday, December 23, 2011


It is funny, at a time where everyone else is trying to get together with family and friends for the holidays we are going to be working towards isolating ourselves...well Ethan at the very least.  We have had to cancel and turn down respite and have cancelled at least one session of therapy.  Lorelei was able to attend one holiday party though, so she is happy.

Ethan had his appointment with his respirologist and among other things she suggested we keep him isolated, especially while he is casted.  He does not qualify for the RSV immunization and apparently they will not exempt it because he is over 3.  She would like to see him stay in the cast long enough to work and for his lung to heal from the rough year he had. today we faced our big cast worry...  Ethan pooped up the back of the cast!  And not just a little bit, but up to almost his shoulders.  And my hand won't reach that high!  Clayton was the one home to deal with it at first and then when I got home I took a go at it.  I consulted with the pediatric orthopedic surgery residents and they said, try to get as much off as possible and there isn't much else that can be done and given the holidays and they couldn't deal (read: not yet qualified) with recasting him anyway.  After the holidays I can contact the surgeon's clinic to see if we should do anything.  Clayton got the shirt under Ethan's cast off and we got it we will have to figure out how to get it back on.

1 comment:

  1. It was great to talk to you the other day! Glad Ethan is doing so well with the cast. Well, minus the poop incident lol! Sounds like something my kids would do.
