Thursday, October 18, 2012

What the ???

Okay, I must admit this might be one of those posts that embarrasses Ethan when he is older and I won't be including any pictures with it either.

I'm going to start by saying that when Ethan was born, I was surprised at how many crevasses a boy can have in the diapering area.  I thought it would be easier than it was with Lorelei...but boy was I wrong!  Add to that he had an inguinal hernia repair when he was really little on the right hand side and I figured the worst of it was done with...(I'm going to totally overlook puberty because that scares me right now).  Well, we just got home about 1/2 an hour ago from a 6.5 hour visit to the ER.  Ethan had developed some strange symptoms which prompted our visit and he came home with a diagnosis of hydrocele.  To limit his embarrassment, I will just tell you that it is similar to a hernia.  What it does mean for him is that we're to consult with surgery in the next two weeks and this puts a whole new surgery in his future to repair the hydrocele.  On a plus side, it doesn't require emergency surgery and allowed us to come home again tonight. 

During the imaging they did to confirm the diagnosis, they captured part of his spine in an x-ray...boy does it look bad without the brace on!  We meet the orthopedic surgeon next Friday to see how he feels things are progressing...

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh noooooo. I googled. The poor honey, I hope they can get him fixed up soon. I'm glad to hear it isn't an emergency and that you can prepare for the surgery. I'll be thinking of you guys and let me know if I can do anything to help.
