Sunday, May 19, 2013

New Wheels

There have been some equipment changes for Ethan recently.  One of those changes is that he now has a new set of wheels.  Ethan outgrew his Pony Walker a while ago and has upgraded to a Mustang.  It took some time awaiting approvals, the walker to come in and Ethan to be well enough to be fitted.  It is pretty much at the lowest setting so we're hoping there will be lots of room for growth.

Ethan has started working with another communication iPad.  One of his nurses was very proactive and attached it to his walker to allow him to have words while he plays on his iPad.  He has only just started working with this app, so it might take some getting used to.  It is more intricate than the last one he had.  He is really enjoying educational games on his personal iPad.

We have also just learned that we have a new date for his traction and surgery.  He goes into the operating room on the morning of Friday, May 24th.  He is slated to have the Shilla technique on June 11th.  Any positive thoughts are greatly appreciated as we're quite nervous about the whole prospect.  I find the traction and surgery very daunting and Clayton is more concerned about the surgery side of things as it will be very invasive...and there is no turning back once you go this route.  We know we've exhausted all non-surgical options, and that this is the only option that should improve things for him...but still it is a huge ordeal.

1 comment:

  1. We love the mustang too!! That was on our short list, it is great. So glad to see him up and about in it.
    You have to tell me what Ipad clamps you are using!! All the ones I have investigated are soooo expensive. I would love to do this for Soph. Ethan looks so cute playing with his in the Mustang.
