Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Almost Time...

Under 8 hours now until Ethan goes into the O.R. for his scoliosis repair.  We had a busy day with prep work for the surgery.  He had an I.V. put in and several consultations so everyone knows what to expect. He even had a visit from some of the staff where he goes to therapy.  It was really nice to have them drop by to say hello.  :)

I got him up in his wheelchair for a bit this morning, but he was too tired and napped through his afternoon chair time.  I'm now waiting for him to fall asleep for the night so I can catch a bit of rest as well.

When pressed, his surgeon could only say that there will be improvement to his curvature post surgery.  He said it all depends on how easily Ethan's spine can be manipulated in the O.R.  The traction has loosened him up a bit and allowed for some straightening but of course it isn't permanent.  We are planning for him to remain intubated post surgery to keep his airway protected.  Apparently the positioning he will be in in the O.R. and the fluids they give can contribute to post surgery swelling which could make it harder for him to breathe on his own.
Have I mentioned that this is a MAJOR surgery and the O.R. is booked for 7 hours?  The duration of surgery will depend on how things are going. 
If you have any spare positive thoughts to send his way they would be greatly appreciated!  I will try to update when I can.


  1. Good luck Darling Ethan, thinking of you with lots of love

  2. Oh, little Buddy, we're thinking of you today!! Hang in there. Everyone always says it's harder on parents than it is on the kids. I hope that's true because surgery turns me into a mess. I'm anxious reading this post, so I can only imagine how you're doing. Such a big day for you guys. Can't wait for an update. Hugs!!
