Friday, February 4, 2011

Getting Better...

We have already started to discuss a discharge date and time provided we are able to fully wean Ethan from the oxygen and he continues to do well.  Today he was feeling better than he has in a while.  He even helped physiotherapy with his chest physio.

Although it looks like he has a little belly, he has lost some weight and we are in the process of trying to get him to regain the weight and then some.  He also enjoys more time in the loaner stroller watching TV with me...

...and playing peek-a-boo.

They were able to lower his oxygen requirements again today.  He is now getting 0.25 litres of oxygen and keeping his stats good.  If you can't tell, it says his oxygenation is at 94%.

I took a couple random pictures of Ethan today during our TV/hand holding/play session today.

You might notice his left hand is pretty scared up...much of that is from the tape they had to keep the IV in.  He has such sensitive skin.

Then, after days of fighting naps I got this one of Ethan today.  He was so tired he finally fell asleep at 5 PM and napped for over two hours.  He woke up in time for his visit from Lorelei.


  1. Aw, so sweet! And so good to hear he's doing better.

  2. What's up with you guys, are you home yet? I hope Ethan is well on his way to feeling better. Been thinking of you!
