Thursday, May 24, 2012

Not Just Ethan This Time.

So, the meeting with Ethan's new pediatrician went well.  She remembered having seen him in the clinic before and we went over his extensive history.  She did confirm he was sick, likely with a virus that lasted a long time...we thought it cleared up...but he is either sick with another virus/cold or he never really shook the last one.  He hasn't been 100% himself since April 30th and to be honest...I could do with him feeling well again!  The pediatrician referred us to the Geneticist again to follow up with the Neurologist's line of thinking.  That appointment is scheduled for later this year.  I'm not holding my breath that they will find out anything new, but we'll go anyway...

Ethan has since also seen his Respirologist who wants a chance to assess him without the cast and is having trouble deciding what testing to proceed with for his lungs and what they can/cannot do.  Meanwhile, we've increased one of his puffers.

We recently had an appointment with the doctor/team that runs things where Ethan goes to therapy.  They had hoped to restart him as an outpatient today, but since he is still congested we had to cancel that again...  It has been since mid-November that he's been in therapy. 

Some exciting news is that we got another standing frame to trial - for a week.  He did pretty good in it yesterday when they were setting him up all things considered (mainly that he hasn't used one since December).  We'll have to put him in the standing frame frequently to see how we like it. 

But that is difficult for me as I hurt myself on the weekend trying to 'beautify' the front of our house.  I picked up a bag of mulch, turned and something in the lower part of my back made a nasty popping sound and I almost hit the ground!  And this of course on the first bag of mulch.  I had to abandon my efforts shortly afterwards.  (On a side note, I did get a compliment for what I did get done.)  Here's hoping I get a chance to get back at it soon...  But in the meanwhile I have to let my back heal!  Add to that I caught a cold.  Oddly enough, that isn't the worst of it...Clayton & Lorelei are being treated for Strep Throat!  Clayton's got really bad with other side effects before he got antibiotics...thankfully Lorelei's didn't get it as bad before we got her meds. 

Next week we meet with his Orthopedic surgeon to see how we're going to proceed with his casting...that's our hope anyway...

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