Saturday, June 30, 2012

Home Since Monday

Evening!  Ethan was discharged and we were home by 8:30 pm.  Both the MRI and CT scans came back stable from previous images.  Which is good but still raises a lot of questions.  We have several follow up type appointments next week and the fitting for his new brace.  I got a call today while at work that Ethan was throwing up again, but despite being sick four times he is still in good spirits and has lots of energy.  We're just giving him pedialyte right now, but hope to restart calories tomorrow morning.

While in hospital I captured one of my favorite pictures of Ethan.  I love how he's holding on to the crib while sleeping...he didn't even wake up when I took the picture.  :)


  1. I can finally comment in blogger again!!
    So glad Ethan is home and enjoying some downtime.
    I love this photo too, he such a sweetheart. :)
