Saturday, April 16, 2011

Quite Unexpected...

On Friday when I got home from work there was a message on my machine.  An emergency case came in and Ethan was bumped from his OR time on Tuesday.  :(  They will see about scheduling him in the following Tuesday or soon after.

In our wildest dreams, we did not anticipate that would hold up his casting.  We figured if anything, he would not be well enough to be sedated or that they would not feel comfortable doing the sedation.  We got the all clear from anesthesia's point of view before leaving the hospital and we've managed to keep him well enough.  Now we have to try to keep him well for at least another week.  DOH!

I guess in an attempt to find the silver lining in does give us additional time to try to put more weight onto him.  They have increased his caloric intake in an attempt to have him at a weight that if he gets sick again it won't affect his body so much.


  1. Oh that sucks! Hopefully this will give him some time to gain some strength - and not to get sick again like you said!
    I hope they get you in soon.

  2. Oh boo! Geez, it's hard enough to wrap your head around a surgery and getting your life ready for it and then it gets cancelled!
