Monday, April 11, 2011

A Week Post Surgery

And we're still in hospital.  (Originally written on the weekend.)  IF everything is good on Monday, they hope to discharge us...but his incision site is starting to bulge a bit and is sometimes red.  The resident wants the Neurosurgeon to look at it on Monday as he feels she may want to image it to see if there is fluid collecting there.  If there is fluid build up, they will have to open up the incision site again.  He is doing pretty well otherwise.  The only other down side is that he isn't sleeping well at all.  He goes without naps and then barely gets 6 hours total in the evening.  He seems to startle easily and wakes for no known reason.  I spent one afternoon trying to get him to sleep and he finally fell asleep at 1655 and was screaming in pain and awake again before an hour was up.  He is so tired, but keeps fighting it.  I just hope he gets back to a more normal sleeping pattern.

These photos go back a bit, but they were taken the day they extubated him.  First they started with nasal prongs and blow-by oxygen...and they quickly progressed to just blow-by.

By the next morning he was off all oxygen and his oxygen saturation was at 100% !  :)

A couple days ago we were encouraged to get him into a sitting position.  He did not tolerate being in the Tumble Form for long at first but we were able to build him up to an hour or hour and a half.

Letting him play on the computer, helped a lot too.  ;)  He was really enjoying the sounds the screen was making in response to his touch.  Lots of giggling!  :)  Definitely daddy's boy!

We were discharged this evening and have him home again.  :)  We are to keep a close eye on his incision site and are to return if anything seems amiss.  We will also have to follow up with them in two weeks time.  But for now we are focusing on his admission for next week (to get his scoliosis cast).

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO glad to hear that you're home!! Oh, what fabulous news! Hope there is no bulging and you're all able to get some sleep.
