Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Some Good News

On Tuesday, Ethan had a dental appointment which went pretty well.  "Dare I say his teeth seem normal?" the dentist asked.  We feared he was doing a lot of damage to his molars through grinding, but his teeth are sound.  He does have some inflammation the dentist can't account for so he is sending Ethan to a specialist.

Today we had our two week follow up post surgery and the Neurosurgeon is pleased with how his incision is healing.  We were a little concerned because he's developed what we call a 'fin' at the incision site.  Today I found out the fin was caused because they had to remove a bit more bone when they went in to open the cyst.  It is anticipated that it will heal in time (not look so lumpy).  Now we just have to wait to see what his MRI (which we hope to have in about a month's time) says.  If there is any growth, we operate now.  If there is no change in growth than we watch and wait.

So far we are still on track with Ethan's cast for Friday.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Good news is fabulous news!!! So happy to hear things are going well!
