Thursday, September 15, 2011

Belated Update

Well, we had a really great July!
Unfortunately, in early August Ethan got sick with a cold.  :(  It started with a whole lot of vomiting, some even projectile forcing me to go to the clinic with him.  I wanted to be sure it wasn't brain related.  Ethan typically does not projectile vomit unless it is more than just a cold.  The doctor there seemed pretty sure his brain was okay and thought it was just Ethan fighting the cold.  The good news is that we have managed to stay out of hospital.  :)  I'm not sure if it is his increased calories or if he was just better equipped to fight the cold...  It took him two weeks to clear, and now he is sick again with an ear/throat infection.  Again with the vomiting.  :(

We have heard back from Ethan's orthopedic surgeon's office.  Ethan will not be casted at this time, and the doctor does not want to do anything until Ethan is seen by a doctor he referred us to in a larger hospital.  We are now desperately awaiting an appointment time to see this new orthopedic surgeon.  It is mainly for a second opinion and likely a bit of 'is this the best way to proceed?' kind of appointment.  The doctor seems to have a lot of experience and from what I understand specializes in non-fusion ways to correct the back.  Their referral appointments are booked on a case by case situation and the assistant of our current orthopedic surgeon has asked them to expedite it and is trying to stay on top of it for us.  Long story short, for some reason Ethan's referral did not go in and it had to be resubmitted, we now have an appointment for later this month.  The waiting is the hardest part, especially knowing the current state of his back.

Last month Ethan got his new set of wheels and I finally took some pictures and got them loaded onto the PC. 

We had to have it adjusted because he kept scootching forward, these photos were taken on the way to the appointment.  We're still trying to get used to the new 'stroller' (it is a bit harder to load/unload), but Ethan seems to like it.

It's September, fall is near
It's Lorelei's favourite time of year
Boys and girls make new friends
Teachers lend a helping hand
Lots to learn and so much fun
It's back to school for everyone!
(Revised from JK/SK readings)

Lorelei started Grade One this year!  She is very excited and has had a great start thus far.  Upon request, we took some photos to document her first day of school (as mentioned I'm a bit late updating...).

I don't think Lorelei was too thrilled about having her picture taken while she had breakfast.

Getting ready for school.  Dressed in her new outfit and new backpack Lorelei was ready for her first day of Grade One.  She even got to wear her 'fancy' shoes.  She is such a girly girl!

It took some persuading but she put on her coat.  September has been mostly chilly, but there have still been some nice warm days.

It is amazing how fast they grow!


  1. So glad to see Ethan in his new chair, it looks great!! I have a foam pad for the foot tray if you would like it, it helps make it firm yet cushiony (is that a word? lol) for their feet.
    Lorelei looks like she was ready for school, how cute!!

  2. Grade one!! So grown up, so lovely!
