Thursday, November 24, 2011

So What Else is New?

When I started to write this post it had been 6 weeks since we saw the specialist for a second opinion on how to treat Ethan's scoliosis and the letter had finally arrived at our local surgeon's office.  The surgeon stayed true to what he told us when we were there, he wrote pretty much exactly what he'd said.  Then we waited for word from our surgeon as to when/how to proceed.  Waiting is so hard!  We finally saw the surgeon again almost 8 weeks after the second opinion and (drum roll please)... we will be casting Ethan again.  He is due to be casted on December 7th.  Please keep him in your thoughts that he remains well enough to be casted on that date.

While we were waiting he had the chance to mostly recovered from his recent illness.  He woke up one morning about 2 weeks ago around 5:30 am with a loose stool that got us out of bed to clean him up.  Then as Clayton was repositioning Ethan, Ethan's mic-key got pulled out and we had to rush around to get that back in quickly.  It seems we had a leaky balloon.  Ethan went back to sleep and then woke up just after 8 am vomiting.  By the time I headed to work around 9:30, he'd been sick 5 times, had a fever and was lethargic.  He remained feverish throughout the day, but the Tylenol was able to break it between doses.  From then he seemed to get over that part and into a cold-like symptoms.  Thanks to his sleep deprivation techniques, I then did not rest enough and managed to catch his cold as well.  We're both on the mend now...thankfully!

Lorelei has had an interesting time lately as well.  She lost 4 teeth in about a 2 week period.  It started with some bottom ones that were super loose and then the top front tooth got all crooked.  She lost one on the bottom and the next day out came the top tooth with a little help from Lorelei...

Shortly after numbers 3 and 4 came out as well.  Now she can sing "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth" and really mean it.  :)


  1. LOL!! That's the first thing that came into my mind - I can hear the Count singing it! ;) Very cute!

    I am so hopeful that Ethan stays healthy and gets his casting done on schedule.

  2. That is one very proud toothless girl!!! What a beautiful smile :)

    Such a long time to wait for a plan for your little guy. I hope it all comes together and he is able to be casted again with no blips in the schedule.
