Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Walking in a Winter Wonderland...

Okay, so a bit of a stretch since I will not be doing much walking outside today, but this is what greeted us this morning.  Like any good child, Lorelei was of course delighted.  Her parents?  Not so much.

Lorelei has been sick the past few days with occasional fevers and the onset of a cold.  She is finally well enough to return to school today.  She got to have too much fun the past two days (thanks to daddy & her uncle), but since she wanted to play in the snow was willing to return to school.
It's been a busy time for us.  I won't go into much detail, but let's just say I'm not a big fan of Nit Picking, but am very glad it has remained isolated to one person.  And really, as frustrating as it really isn't as 'bad' as I thought...lots of myths abound...

On another note, Ethan had the longest day of appointments on Friday.  He got a pneumonia immunization and then had to have blood work done because they will be running tests to check out his immune system.  Then he had to wait for his oncology appointment, they were running over three hours late.  It has been a LONG time since we actually attended that clinic and we don't have to go back for another year.  Especially since there are no real concerns...  It took just about the whole day for those appointments.  Oh, and I also let them take a bit extra blood for a genetic study on drug reactions.  They are trying to find out if responses to things (IE: Ethan's reactions to morphine) are genetic, so I also gave them some DNA to work with. 

On Monday, we met with our Speech Language Pathologist, OT and someone from Augmentative Communications to try to devise a good strategy to help Ethan express himself.  It seemed to go pretty well and everyone was excited about moving forward.  We are going to be working more with pictures/symbols for now.

Yesterday we were back at the hospital for Ethan's pre-admit appointment.  And provided nothing seriously changes - he's good to go for the 7th.  :)  He was also seen by his cardiologist who believes that Ethan's small ASD has sealed, but otherwise not much has changed so does not need to see Ethan for another year.  Ethan also had an ECG done and they determined his heart sounds/works normally.  :)  I love hearing that word associated with Ethan.


  1. So glad that snow didn't stay! My girls were equally excited, and I was equally not excited ;)

    Good to hear things are on track with Ethan!!

  2. Hope everything goes well in the next couple of days as you count down to the 7th.
    I'm glad to hear you had a positive AAC appt. too.!
