Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Emotional Surprises

On my way to work today, I saw two ambulances.  One with lights flashing heading in a different direction as Ethan and I were on our way to drop him off for therapy.  Then just before I got to work I pulled to the side of the road to allow an ambulance with lights and sirens to pass.  I caught up to it later and watched as it turned down a residential road.  Suddenly I felt a flood of emotions.  It was like I was having a flash back to waiting for the ambulance to come help Ethan.  I was quite surprised by it!  I obviously have no clue what emergency they were rushing to, but think I know what the person waiting for them to come was feeling and felt sad for them to have had to go through this.  The other time I've felt a surge of emotions around ambulances was on my first day back to work.  For some reason I got to thinking about how hysterical people sound in movies when dialing 9-1-1...I'm sure there must be exceptions to the rule, but it is true!  I was that hysterical person practically yelling at the operator as they asked questions.  It was only when she said that she'd already dispatched the ambulance that I was able to calm down some and then try to calm Lorelei who was hearing everything but was not in the room with us.  I think I will forever remember her crying and saying she doesn't want her brother to die.  It broke my heart to have her so upset and not be able to do much about it.  Thankfully, I was able to put her mind at ease before the ambulance came.  It was only weeks after that I remembered that Clayton wasn't exactly calm is funny how parts of it are blocked from my memory and have come back well after Ethan was discharged.


  1. That's such an impossibly hard thing to deal with. I can only imagine how those memories would jump out at you without warning. :(

  2. You are not alone my friend. I have had the same tears and lump in the throat while driving around town and see or hear an ambulance. These things affect us in surprising ways but it is all a part of the journey I guess.
