Thursday, October 28, 2010

Check this out...

Over the weekend Clayton was working with Ethan in his Pony Walker.  Ethan really wasn't too keen on the idea at first but warmed up to it after a minute or two.  Lorelei, not wanting to be left out tried to pose with Ethan since she saw I had the camera on him.  I tired to get a video but it was hard with her trying to pose with Ethan each time.  The videos are only of him crying anyway and he just pushed off one time for the camera.  At least you can see how tall he is compared to her, it is pretty neat to see since he isn't usually in an upright position.  Typically when one starts in the Pony Walker the first movements are to push backwards and it can take a long time to get a child comfortable in the walker let alone making steps.  Ethan has been using the walker off and on for about a month but not consistently.

What we can't seem to capture on film is when he actually takes steps.  He would rather pose for the camera.  Which is disappointing since one of his support workers told me this week that he 'walked' from the kitchen sink to the fridge.  :)  He hasn't been feeling well lately so we have not seen him do that again, but it is exciting that he's trying.  She said he used his left foot mostly to propel himself forward.  Now just to get him to use both and I'm sure there will be no stopping him.


  1. Go Ethan Go!!!!

    Before you know it he will be pony walkin' all over the place. This was the one piece of equipment that changed Sophie's life, I am so glad Ethan is having the chance to control his place in the world as well!!!!

  2. Go Ethan!! I just heard about pony walkers a week or so ago and I've never seen one. Very cool!
