Saturday, March 5, 2011

As Spring Approaches

It signifies the end of flu season - typically by mid to end February.  The end of March marks the end of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) season.  Of course before the end of that, Ethan just had to catch himself one of the RSV subgroups.  :(

In a healthy person, RSV just leads to mild cold-like symptoms.  Did you note, I qualified "in a healthy person"?  For preemies, those with chronic lung disease, those with immune systems that don't work so well and those with certain forms of heart disease it can be more serious and lead to hospitalization.  Ethan qualifies under at least two of the four high-risk groups, but likely three of them.  (He wasn't a preemie!)  Of the 10 symptoms listed for this virus...Ethan has eight of them.  It is highly contagious and the virus can live on your hands for half an hour or more and up to five hours on surfaces.  Symptoms usually start 4-6 days after contact with the virus.  The only 'treatment' is to monitor, provide oxygen and IV fluids...and then you wait for them to get better.  Ethan's oxygen requirements have increased since yesterday but he is still able to stay on the ward...hopefully he'll soon turn the corner on this and be well enough to come home.

The 'funny thing' about RSV is there is an immunization they can give for those in the risk group to protect/diminish effects of RSV.  Ethan used to get it.  It is typically given to high-risk groups up to age 2.  In previous years, with enough could get it for a chronic child after 2.  I've heard it costs the government $7,000 for the season, an immunization is required each month from about September to March.  This year, they deemed it too expensive and declined EVERYONE OVER 2.   I was just told they figure each patient costs $1,200 per day in hospital.  If you average that out over Ethan's typical stays...this visit will cost more than double the vaccination cost.  Somehow the math doesn't seem to make enough sense to me!


  1. Crazy!! Oh, poor little man. I hope he's able to fight it off quickly. :(

  2. Thanks Jill! He had a pretty rough day today. Just working really hard to breathe, but his O2 was dropped a bit and he was keeping his oxygenation good.

  3. I'm hoping you guys are home soon. RSV sucks and it is the last thing your little guy needs to be dealing with :(
    Sophie is sick now too, I am hoping we aren't heading the same direction. She has a bilateral ear infection and a nasty virus to go with it.
    Come on spring......

  4. I hope Sophie doesn't end up here with us. As much as I might like to see you again, this is not the location for it. I hope she is feeling better again! I'm with you, we need to come up with a spring dance or something (not to be confused with the rain dance ;)).
