Sunday, March 20, 2011

It's S-P-R-R-R-I-N-G!!! :)

(Said with a sing-song voice.)  I'm so excited!!!  (This is how I feel about the season change!)  Today marks the first day of Spring, or perhaps better said in my world, the end of Winter which I hope translates into the end of cold/flu and hospital stay season. 

We're still in hospital with Ethan, the weather is getting nicer, it was a full moon last night and Lorelei has been a little rambunctious.  Ahhhh, change must be in the air.  ;)  Why are we still in hospital?  The answer is simple, my handsome little man has not allowed us to fully wean him from the oxygen.  It has gotten to the point that doctors are talking about sending us home with oxygen.  This is not a road we would like to travel right now.  Two nights ago, Ethan's oxygen needs went from 0.25L to 2L overnight.  Yesterday they were able to wean him down to 1L.  When I talked to Clayton earlier today he was down to 0.5L and maintaining well.  Then when Lorelei and I arrived at the hospital (the climax of her rambunctiousness) Clayton told me he'd turned off the O2 to challenge him.  Ethan just started his nap a bit ago but has managed to maintain 90% oxygen saturation.  :)  Ideally they like to see kids over 92%, but we're quite happy he is at 90% without oxygen and asleep.  I just hope he continues to maintain it or better yet improve.

1 comment:

  1. Bye bye winter, see ya!! Thank God!!!
    I think of you guys everyday and hope that Ethan is home before long. I think I would be staging a jail break pretty soon lol.
    Let me know if you need anything
    Rebecca xo
