Saturday, February 11, 2012


What does the handsomest 4 year old look like as he gets ready for bed on the evening of his birthday?  That's simple, he looks like this:

It was a day of greetings and well-wishes for Ethan, they came in by phone, MSN, through Lorelei (who shared at her class that it was her brother's birthday today) and through me as friends shared their greetings.

Once Clayton put the box of birthday presents near Ethan, it didn't take him long to discover it and dig right in.

The first present he opened was one suggested to us by his Occupational Therapist.  You would not believe the efforts it took for us to track a new one down.  It must be a discontinued item as we started looking before the holidays.  We had found one at Sears but by the time we decided to buy it, it was out of stock and then no longer listed on their website.  We checked all the local stores and then turned our search online.  I found some on Amazon or E-Bay that would ship to Canada but they were over $65 plus shipping.  How crazy is that for a toy?!?  Once we figured out that we would not find it in Canada I contacted a friend travelling home from the U.S.  It was the night before they were heading to Canada and they called around to several stores until they were able to secure one at a K-Mart on route (with a slight detour).  The efforts we don't go through for our kids.  ;)

He did a really great job opening his gifts.  The ones that were wrapped, still required a bit of help but he is so quick with gift bags that I couldn't catch him in an action shot.

And finally, although we've not read it to him is Ethan's impression of Berenstain Bear's Too Much Birthday!

It's hard work being such a super star.  Happy birthday little man, we love you!


  1. Happy Birthday Ethan!!! Wow 4 years old, I'm glad to hear you had a wonderful birthday! :) You are too cute digging into those presents. Your friend Sophie wishes you a happy day!! xo

  2. FOUR!!!! Happy Birthday little guy!!
