Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New Casting

Ethan again decided to use his sleep deprivation torture tactics this morning and woke up around 3:30ish.  We had set the alarms for 5 AM to be sure we were at the hospital for 6.  As you can likely guess, sleep was not something I got to enjoy last night.  He was in pretty good spirits at the hospital as long as he did not have to sit still for too long.  I took this picture as we were waiting for his nurse to check him in.  He was surprisingly patient while his vitals, etc were checked.

I again joined him in the OR before he went under and we made our way to some breakfast and the waiting room.  His casting took most of the scheduled 2 hours and he was in the recovery room longer before they let us join him.  He was still out when we got to see him but he woke shortly after (turning on the DVD player - not knowing it was set on bust - helped him wake in a hurry!  I've never seen his eyes open so quickly!), and was moved to the next recovery room.  We headed off to have the top layer put on his cast, have his back x-rayed and off we went.  We were home earlier than usual.  He seems to be doing well in it and it seems to fit better (with the minor adjustments before the top layer was set).  Since it is the first time we've added a top layer, we went for something a little more fun...

His g-tube site looks pretty nasty in this picture, but it really isn't that bad.  It is irritated for sure, but not infected or anything.

As for Lorelei, she had a good day today.  Probably her best since Friday.  She finally ate again, drank lots of water and had the energy to play and do things.  We're hoping this means she is over the worst of it and on the mend.

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